ACRES Launches Global Clinical Research Network Technology Platform

The ACRES network will enable sites to share their capabilities and efficiently communicate with sponsors and international peers. It provides the foundation for a more efficient and sustainable clinical research enterprise.

The Alliance for Clinical Research Excellence and Safety (ACRES), together with two of its strategic technology allies, ViS Research (ViS) and HealthCarePoint (HCP), will officially begin registering clinical research sites worldwide. This is the first step in the development of the ACRES Global Network of high-performing sites, part of an open, global system for clinical research. This network will ultimately include thousands of sites worldwide connected through a shared technology platform: the ACRES Global Technology Network.

ACRES president, Dr. Greg Koski, announced the rollout of an online site-network interface, developed and powered by ViS and HCP, as the first component of the ACRES comprehensive technology platform designed to enhance safety, quality and operational efficiency across the entire clinical research enterprise. It applies a systems approach to clinical research and medical product development, supporting the collection, sharing, and analysis of information.

“ACRES' vision is to work collaboratively with stakeholders to build a non-proprietary shared IT platform for clinical research that incorporates standards ensuring inter-operability and inter-change of data while safeguarding privacy and security. More than a portal, this interface allows sites to share their capabilities and get involved. While just the first step down a long road,” said Koski, “it marks a critically important milestone.”

Andy Olmsted, ACRES Vice-President, noted that “other industries recognized long ago the value of capturing, aggregating and effectively utilizing systems level data—clinical research can similarly benefit.”

Through this new site-network interface, sites wishing to participate in ACRES' global safety, quality and professional development initiatives will register as ACRES-affiliated sites, allowing for the exchange of information between the site and the ACRES' Global Network. Registered sites will enter information describing the site and its capabilities into ViS' center profiles where it can be shared with sponsors conducting online feasibility assessment. Sites will also be given for free the sought-after HCP Personal Experience and Training (PET-ABC®) HR Management System to enable archiving and user-controlled sharing of professional credentials and training certificates with colleagues, sponsors, regulators and institutional review boards to improve both operational efficiency and compliance.

In addition to the immediate value provided by enhanced visibility to sponsors and the professional credentials management systems, ACRES' registered sites will be well-positioned to participate in ACRES' future initiatives, including development and testing of global standards for site-accreditation and new tools for performance enhancement, quality management, remote auditing and risk-based monitoring.

ViS founder and CEO, Dr. Fabio Thiers, noted, “We are proud to support ACRES. The ACRES network will enable sites to share their capabilities and efficiently communicate with sponsors and international peers. It provides the foundation for a more efficient and sustainable clinical research enterprise, resulting in faster patient access to better and safer medical treatments.”

“We have created a global shareable network that makes the entire clinical research process better, easier and faster,” added Al O. Pacino, president of HCP, a global technology company that has previously committed over $10 M in technology and services to ACRES. “The ACRES Global Network will allow us to provide valuable technologies, goods and services to research sites that will make sites more productive, sponsors more efficient and will ultimately minimize regulatory compliance risks to all stakeholders in the research ecosystem”.

ViS and HCP are among several information technology and standards organizations collaborating with ACRES to develop an open, shared global technology infrastructure for the clinical research enterprise.


The Alliance for Care & Research Excellence & Safety (ACRES) is a non-profit alliance for professionals and patients in every sector of the healthcare and life sciences enterprises. ACRES seeks to ally health and science worldwide using a systems approach. Together, we can build an effective health science system for patients everywhere.

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